Five Steps to Take Control of Your Life Now By Tony Robbins

I woke up in the morning, and did my personal development session with Tony Robbins! Yep, the great Tony! But of course, I’m in my room, I am watching his Five Steps to Take Control of Your Life Now session. And I figured, I could also share this. 
Below is the summary of what he said:
  1. Capture – get it and put it in one place. Keep it out of your head. Write it down, put it in your iPhone, iPad, scribble it on your notebook or notepad. 
  2. Create an RPM Plan (Results-focused, Purpose-driven and Massive Action Plan) 
    1. What do I really want? (Result) Measure. What is the outcome?
    2. Why do I want it? (Purpose) Why for me and why for the team? What is the BIG why? Activity without purpose is the drain to your life. Drain to your wealth. Drain to your lifestyle.
    3. What do I need to do?  (Massive Action Plan)
      • Resolve your musts. Which ones are the MUSTs? 
      • Minimum/Maximum Times. Estimate the time you need to complete it. At a minimum time and maximum time to do it. 
      • Leverage – different from delegation. Work WITH someone else. 
  3. Commit and Schedule – now that you got this outcomes of the day. People say they don’t have time for that, because they think there’s certain things more important things than the other certain things.
  4. Complete and Achieve. complete by achieving what matters most.
  5. Celebrate. Celebrate the magic moments of your week or day. It will give you the energy for more! Don’t say “someday I’m gonna celebrate”, because someday might never come! Make list of magic moments and accomplishments.

Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. It’s your responsibility to know how it happens to you. 

If you want to listen to actual video, it’s here.

10 Simple Ways You Can Destroy Humanity

The world as you see today, is a world full of mess and negativity. It has been clouted and cluttered by negative energies. It’s been set to self-destruct mode, by setting on fire, humanity. And one of the contributors may be you.
(Photo credits to this site.)
  1. If you live your life trying to destroy someone, then you are a contributor!
  2. If you live watching other people’s move, and find their fault, you are a contributor!
  3. If you hide behind the cloak of “kindness” but actually your kindness is just a covering of your guilt, you are a contributor.
  4. If you talk to people to destroy someone’s reputation, you are a contributor!
  5. If you live to encroach someone’s power, you are a contributor!
  6. If you live to get power and not to serve, you are a contributor!
  7. If you live for convenience and not for service, you are a contributor!
  8. If you live to use people and is not willing to pay it, you are a contributor!
  9. If you have ninety nine bad things to say about something or someone for every one good thing about something or someone, you are a contributor!
  10. If you live only to acquire money or wealth, then you are a contributor! 
A person may appear and even paint a picture of himself or herself by trying to paint someone else’s reputation and image. Beware of these kind of people, be keen enough to observe. Most people who tries to destroy someone, is actually describing themselves, and not the person they are trying to paint a picture of. 

Today, I want to encourage everyone, that you can contribute to the setting of this world into a self-destruct mode, or be the agent to restore this to a world of life and love. As for me, I will do the latter.

  1. I will continue to serve and love.
  2. I will bless people as they perform, if I do spot some faults, I will be candid enough to tell, while also careful enough to show love in pointing it out, than make an impression that I am destroying the person.
  3. I would rather be called monster and all sorts of things, by honestly doing what I can to help, than trying to keep close and offer a crying shoulder, while sticking a knife at someone behind his or her back.
  4. I will continue to share good thoughts and memories about people.
  5. I will live to excel and remind myself that I too, will have my fair share of what they call “turn”.
  6. I will live to serve and love, not get power.
  7. I will live for the performance of my service regardless of inconvenience and risk.
  8. I will push people to excellence, and I will seek help from others, but I will try my best to give what is due him or her.
  9. I will strive to say more positive things than negative things about a situation or person.
  10. I will no longer be a slave to money, wealth or power, I will live a life bearing in mind, that if I follow my desire to serve and be my best, these things will eventually follow. 
I hope with the limited list I’ve provided above, I have somehow shared to you, what it means to say “A life well lived, is a life well shared!”


How to be Unlimited in a Limited World

Admiral David Farragut, best remembered for his courage at Mobile Bay in 1864, listened as Admiral Samuel Dupont listed the reasons why he failed to get his fleet into Charleston Harbor and win the battle. When Dupont finished his explanation, Admiral Farragut replied, “There is one reason more. You did not believe you could.”

Everyone knew that Glenn Cunningham would never walk again – everyone, that is, except for Glenn Cunningham and his mother. His legs were badly burned in a schoolroom fire. But Glenn Cunningham walked, ran, and became the world’s fastest miler. Glenn Cunningham believed in himself. 

Sylvester Stallone was told by over fifty Hollywood producers that he had little ability as a writer. He was told he was wasting his time trying to market his script. But Sylvester Stallone believed in his ability, even thought virtually every producer in Hollywood tried to convince him that there was no hope. The screenplay the producers turned down was Rocky. Sylvester Stallone believed in his ability.
Many people and obstacles might work to prevent you from reaching your goal, but you can overcome them. The most devastating obstacle is your lack of belief. You can do anything you want to do if you believe and are willing to work. Shakespear said, “Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt.” Conrad Hilton remarked, “Man, with God’s help and personal dedication, is capable of anything he can dream.”

1. Today I will not be influenced by those “no” people who would place limitations on me.
2. Today I will _______________________. 

Courage Over Despair

An automobile accident ten days before his high school graduation Shane Vermoort classified as a quadriplegic. A friend was killed in the accident.

All of his life, Shane had wanted to be a doctor. But was it still possible for him as a quadriplegic – or was it really the impossible dream?

Shane went through a year of rehabilitation and then went to Southern Illinois University, where he received a B.A. in physiology. His goal was medical school, but he was rejected time and again by medical schools all over America.

Eventually, he was accepted at the Medical College of Georgia. He excelled in his preparation and received the Clinical Neuroscience Award, was elected president of the Medical Honor Society, and became the first student to graduate from the college in a wheelchair. Shane reflects, “People have a tendency to reflect on what we don’t have. If people would just look in the mirror and focus on the good things, they would be a lot better off.”

Shane is telling all of us not to look down in despair on what we don’t have but to look up in hope and use what we do have. It certainly worked for him and I’m convinced it will work for you. 

1. Today I will review my positive qualities and will be grateful for the talents and abilities I have.

2. Today I will ______________.

Courage Over Ridicule

To look at him today you would find it difficult to believe that in August, 1974, Clarence Gass awoke unable to breath. However, the forty-one-year-old eventually regained his breath.

His breath problem that August night was no mystery. He was going through three and a half packs of cigarettes and twenty-four cans of beer a day. He stopped weighing at the 265-pound mark when he had a forty-three-inch waist. That very morning, after his frightening experience, Clarence Gass got down on his knees and asked God to help him. 
He quit drinking and smoking. He began to walk and then jog every night. Before the year was out, he was jogging four to five miles a day. Clarence went from more than 265 pounds to 150 pounds. His blood pressure dropped from 150 over 100 to 120 over 72. He has now run in ten marathons. 

According to Gass, “It takes more courage than you can imagine for a fat person to get out and run in front of other people. It’s a slow process and you must be patient. But it is possible. You can do it! Don’t quit!


Think about it: the odds are great that your physical condition is not as bad and your personal habits are not nearly as destructive as Clarence Gass’s were in 1974. However, the odds are even greater that his physical condition and personal habits are both better than yours today. The question is this: If Clarence Gass can change to health and activity is there any real reason why you can’t? 

1. Today I will remember to ask for God’s help in all my activities.

2. Today, I will exercise in some fashion. It ay be for five minutes or for one hour, but I will exercise today.

3. Today I will _____________________________.

Secrets of the Successful: I.M.A.G.E. – "E" is for what? Tips of the GREAT Men.

This is the last part of the secret of the successful series of blog posts. What does the “E” in IMAGE mean. Discover the completion of success tips!

Sadly, a topic a lot of businesspeople seem to have forgotten in these fast-paced and topsy-turvy business times. Too many cut corners. They go for the cash grab. They think only about themselves. Whatever happened to good manners, excellent ethics, and remembering that doing good business is actually very good for business? 

You will never go wrong in doing what is right, my friend.

Nothing’s more important than being honest, highly dependable, staying on time, and treating people the way we want to be treated. “How well you make your sheets determines how well you’ll sleep in your bed.” I took that to mean that the way we do anything is the way we’ll do everything. And even one breach against our ethics will pollute everything we touch.

Nothing is more precious in work than staying consistent with your values and protecting your good name. In so many ways, your reputation is all you have. May I suggest that you never do anything that will tarnish the architecture of integrity that you’ll establish as a leader. Ultimately, people will flock to you or run from you based on your reputation. We live in a fascinating world. Like no other time before this, ordinary people can grow a massive following around them. With a few strokes on a keyboard, consumers can tell the world about who you are, what you’ve done, and all you stand for. Given this reality, maintain a pristine name and guard your personal brand by being impeccably ethical. You know, I’ve read about people who’ve spent forty years of their lives building a great reputation and a fantastic move performed in sixty seconds of bad judgment. Be exquisitely honest. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be ferociously humble. And vow to yourself to work with the strength of character of the people you most admire. Integrity always leads to beautiful rewards. Be courageous enough to ensure your deeds reflect your creed. And make sure that your video is sync with your audio. Trust me on this idea. Please trust me on this.

You’re a fine young person! I have no doubt you will do great things in your career and with your life. Please carry with you the philosophy that you need no title to be a leader. Everyone can lead. And it all begins with you – and the choices you have the power to make. 

If you learned something from this or appreciate this, I’m sure you’d enjoy a copy of Robin Sharma’s book “The Leader Who Had No Title”. Grab one!

Don’t forget to like and share. I’d also love to see your comments. 🙂

Secrets of the Successful: I.M.A.G.E. – "G" is for what? Tips of the GREAT Men.

This is a continuation of what I shared about the Tips of the Great Men of being Successful. The secret is contained in the acronym IMAGE. What is the “G” in image?

The “G” simply stands for the need to have the GUTS in business. 

You need no title to be a leader, but you do need to have huge toughness and big guts. To lead, you will have to be unrealistically persistent and wildly courageous. You’ll need to dare more than the reasonable person and risk more than the ordinary man. That’s not as hard as it might sound. Every one of us has at our core well of courage just begging to be tapped. We all want to be superheroes in some form or another and have the capacity of character to keep going when everyone around us is ready to give up. You see, success truly is a numbers game. And those that become the best and brightest leaders in their work are those that develop the mind-set of failure not being an option. Too many people throw in the towel on that new idea that will make the business better or that new tactic that will bring the team closer the second they face a little resistance. But the very nature of leadership is such that as you dream bigger dreams and act with greater mastery, you will meet with greater resistance. The more you leave your valleys of comfort in passionate pursuit of your mountains of opportunity, the more obstacles you’ll face as you make your climb. Setbacks will happen. Things will go wrong. Competitors will try to knock you down. And even the people around you will try to discourage you. Those who are clinging to the old way of doing things and frightened of change will join hands and become your loudest critics. They will claim you are doing something that’s wrong, rocking the boat, and basically being abnormal. And that would be true.

To have guts to see opportunities where others see challenges and to envision things becoming a whole lot better while others grow complacent is to become a visionary. And most of us are just too scared to go there. More people are just too threatened by the change one needs to move through en route to a better version of your greatest vision. They just can’t bear to let go of all they’ve known and release their needy clinging to the way things have always been. So anyone who thinks and behaves differently from them will be called “abnormal”. Because most people just can’t break free from their past by stepping up to becoming and doing more. And rather than applauding someone with the pure guts and raw drive to innovate, re-create, and excel, the mob condemns them. Shouts them down. Mocks and ridicules them. Becomes their loudmouthed critics. But the truth of the matter is that’s just the coping mechanism of individuals afraid to grow.Criticism is the defense reaction that scared people use to protect themselves against change.”

It’s true. All I’m suggesting is that part of showing real leadership involves attracting the attention – and condemnation – of critics. Some will insult your new level of leadership thinking. Others will harass your higher way of operating. Yet more will oppose your passionate commitment to overdelivering. Many will be jealous of you. But as Fulton Sheen once observed: ‘Jealousy is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius.’

As you do all you can to drive better results and influence world-class outcomes, you will meet inevitable obstacles. And as you stand-out above the crowd by holding yourself to standards far higher than anyone could place on you, you will experience periods of self-doubt. But your faith in the difference you can make and your belief in the leader you must become has to outweigh your fear. As I suggested earlier, you must stay passionately committed to your vision and have the strength to keep expressing the absolute best within you. And that takes guts. That takes courage. That requires the fierce resolve that every great man and woman who has walked before you has tapped into.  You have it! Maybe now it’s time to seriously embrace it.

If you discovered and learned something from this, read more about it from this blog or buy Robin Sharma’s Leader Who Had No Title. 🙂 

Don’t forget to like and share. 

Secrets of the Successful is I.M.A.G.E.

I am happy to have stumbled upon a great learning from the book I’ve been reading recently. And these I will be sharing to you are the idea of the author. I was just amazed at his concepts and principles at winning in life. For the next few post starting this one, I will be sharing to you the concept with an acronym – IMAGE! I.M.A.G.E!

“I” is for INNOVATION!

Innovation always trumps repeating what might have worked in the past. Doing what worked even a year or two ago amid the terrifically unpredictable conditions under which we now do business is a good way to get into some bad trouble. Customers and all the people around you want fresh value and novel forms of excellence – not a repackaging of old goods. 


You need to constantly flex your mind and elevate your abilities by consistently asking themselves ‘What can I improve today?’ You have to deeply hold a commitment to making everything you touch better than you found it. And to constantly reinvent yourself along the way. That’s the essence of innovation.  ‘Innovation’ sounds complex, but it really is simply about consistently making everything a whole lot better than you found it. Actually, the clearest way that you can define innovation and creative mastery is to be all about making this day better than yesterday.


Your career will also fly when you commit to being the opposite of ordinary in all the work that you do. Be a visionary. See into the future in a business landscape where most people stay stuck in the past. And don’t be afraid of shattering your routines. Relentlessly rethink the way you work. Constantly ask yourself questions like:

How can I boost my productivity?

How can I work faster?

How can I wow my customers even more?

Regularly put yourself in the shoes of your buyers and experience what it’s like to do business with you. Then set about to take that experience to a completely new level of world-class.


Just wake up every morning and be all about daily iteration – making each thing you do a little bit better than it was the day before. Develop an innovation mind-set. So making your present better than your past is just the way you think. Also remember that if you’re not chasing excellence and passionate innovation, mediocrity is already on its way to get you. Avoid what we call Mediocrity Creep – that subtle and dangerous descent into being average that infects your work without your even knowing it. Just as growth is invisible and incremental, so is falling into the habit of being ordinary. 


So become ever so engaged in reinventing things and improving each thing that you do. Without innovation, life is death. And only the brave will survive these days. Definitely keep challenging yourself to see things as you dream of seeing them. And truly being that visionary that I said. The inner leader within you aches to be a visionary!


The best way to improve the way you work and the organization you work for isn’t really through revolution. What I mean is that the best way for you to get your next level of excellence in your work isn’t by some revolutionary idea or some radical initiative. Great careers and great businesses are built by evolution. By slow and steady improvements that actually don’t look like much when you view them in isolation. But over time, these small, incremental, evolutionary improvements amount to massive gains. Daily ripples of superior performance add up over time to a tidal wave of outrageous success. Please remember that getting to your leadership best comes down to simply doing a few smart moves each day that stack up to unimaginable achievement over a period of time.

You can feel it now. Yes. You can make changes. Because all you need to do is start off small. And then just do little improvements every day. Anyone can do that, no matter what their career – or their lives – look like this very moment. 


Dream big yet start small. That’s the key. And start now, exactly where you’re at. It’s important for anyone ready to make changes. Small steps over time generate big results. And failure, on the other hand comes from a few daily acts of neglect that over time lead to disaster.

“So, if I make those small little steps each day, I’ll eventually get to success?,” you might ask.

No doubt! Success will actually come automatically, just by performing those little advancements with consistency. Simply remember this line: “small daily improvements – over time – lead to stunning results.” I call it the Multiplier Effect. Doing intelligent little acts each and every day accelerates with time to an unimaginable state of success. It’s sort of like compound interest. If when you are young, you go down to your bank every day and make tiny, seemingly insignificant deposits, by the magic of compounding, over time you’ll become rich. So when it comes to high performance leadership and expressing your absolute best, it’s the same thing. Small little leadership acts really compound into breathtaking consequences. And as I was saying on the subject of innovation, the powerful idea is to just dedicate yourself to being all about consistent, focused, and never-ending improvement. Just don’t get caught up in the habit that is human nature to fall into; growing complacent. As a matter of fact, the more successful you become, the more hungry you need to be – not only as a person but also as an organization. Nothing fails like success, because the higher you rise, the easier it becomes to stop pushing the envelope, challenging the status quo, and keeping your focus. Sure, it’s human nature to try and reach a place where things didn’t change, where we can coast along, where everything is certain. This gives us sense of control and security. But I have to tell you, my friend, it’s such a false sense of security. In the new world of business, the riskiest place you can be is trying to do the same things in the same way as you’ve always don them. Few things are as foolish as hoping old behaviors will somehow present new results. 


Because that means you’re not innovating. You’re not doing your part to make things better. You’re not creating superior value. And that means that rather than evolving to ever-increasing levels of excellence, you are slipping deeper into old patterns of stagnation. And that’s when your competition eats you for breakfast. Choose innovation over stagnation and you’ll be just fin in this crazy busy business world we’re now in. Choose calculated risk taking versus operating the same old way, and you’ll do great. You’ll be awesome, actually!

In my next pose, I will be sharing to you the rest of the letters in the acronym, their meaning and concept! 

If you learned something from this, please feel free to leave your reply or comment below and share this to your friends. It might help them achieve great results too like you!

Stay tuned, keep posted by subscribing to my blog. 🙂


Just recently, I shared to you a post that warned you the TEN HUMAN REGRETS (read it here). That post will get you thinking and pondering about what you’ve been through and what you’ve done in your life. For sure, you don’t want to end up having all those or one of those regrets. You have to set your goal, and one way to set them is to know, what really matters in life. Now, I am going to share to you the TEN HUMAN VICTORIES.

  1. You reach your end full of happiness and fulfillment on realizing that you are all used up – having spent the fullness of your talents, the biggest of your resources, and best of your potential doing great work and leading a rare-air life.
  2. You reach your end knowing that you played at a standard concentrated excellence and held yoursef to the most impeccable of standards in each thing that you did.
  3. You reach your end in noisy celebration for having the boldness of spirit to have regularly confronted your largest fears and realized your highest visions.
  4. You reach your end and recognize that you became a person who built people up versus one who tore people down.
  5. You reach your end with the understanding that while your journey may have not always been a smooth one, whenver you got knocked down you instantly got back up – and at all times, never suffered from any loss of optimism.
  6. You reach your end and bask in the staggering glory of your phenomenal achievements along with the rich value you have contributed to the lives of the people you were lucky to serve.
  7. You reach your end and adore the strong, ethical, inspirational, and empathetic person you grew into.
  8. You reach your end and realize that you were a genuine innovator who blazed new trails instead of following old roads.
  9. You reach your end surrounded with teammates who call you a rock star, customers who say you’re a hero, and loved ones who call you a legend.
  10. You reach your end as a true Leader Without a Title, knowing that the great deeds you did will endure long after your death and that your life stands as a model of possibility.
Your life may have become so filled with worries and senseless acts of distraction that you’d lost sight of the truth of what was most important. You’d lost sight of all you could do, right were you were. You’d forgotten the power you had to make change happen. And you’d disconnected from the hidden genius you were built to become. 
The point of this post? That you could choose to continue as you’ve been doing these past years – coasting through life and succumbing to the curse of small, daily neglect. And if you did, you’d end up in that first grave, a wasted victim of the costs to set out on the tablet of slate. Or you could choose the higher road. You could stand for leadership, excellence, and enthusiasm within your work and in your life. You could begin to Lead Without A Title and go for the rewards on the golden tablet. One choice would lead you into a form of living hell. The other, I can assure you, would lead you to the place of your dreams. You knew which choice you’d make.


Please feel free to share your ideas on the comment box, and if you think this could help a friend, a family, a colleague, feel free to share! 🙂

The TEN HUMAN REGRETS One Should Know Before He Reach The Last Day OfHis Life!

It’s early in the morning, and yes, you don’t want to remember sadness and grave! You don’t even want to think of death. But on an average, how many years do you have in life? Or what’s the life expectancy of man? And how have you been doing for the past fraction of your life? Have you ever thought of it? Imagine you’re facing a grave, and you know you’re on the last days of your life. What would you tell yourself?

You might not be informed, but there are these TEN HUMAN REGRETS that one could face at the end of his days in the world. I am sharing this to you now because, I want you to change perspectives, innovate yourself, discover your full potential and be an awakened artist to what you can truly become. If you don’t, I am sure, you will soon be facing these TEN HUMAN REGRETS. Here’s the complete list:

  1. You reach your last day with the brilliant song that your life was meant to sing still silent within you.
  2. You reach your last day without ever having experienced the natural power that inhabits you to do great work and achieve great things. 
  3. You reach your last day realizing that you never inspired anyone else by the example that you set.
  4. You reach your last day full of pain at the realization that you never took any bold risks and so you never received any bright rewards.
  5. You reach your last day understanding that you missed the opportunity to catch a glimpse of mastery because you bought into the lie that you had to be resigned to mediocrity.
  6. You reach your last day and feel heartbroken that you never learned the skill of transforming adversity into victory and lead into gold.
  7. You reach your last day regretting that you forgot tat work is about being radically helpful to others rather than being helpful only to yourself.
  8. You reach your last day with the awareness that you ended up living the life that society trained you to want versus leading the life you truly wanted to have.
  9. You reach your last day and awaken to the fact that you never realized your absolute best nor touched the special genius that you were built to become.
  10. You reach your last day and discover you could have been a leader and left this world so much better than you found it. But you refused to accept that mission because you were just too scared. And so you failed. And wasted a life.

This is for you. And it’s not too late. If you’ve read this now, it means that you have ability to change course, to turn the rudder and change direction. Towards the direction you are meant to be. Towards the direction of Amazing and Wonderful! Towards the direction of a great and well-lived life!

I will continue to post more about this topic in the next blog, so please stay tuned. Good news is, you are still alive! It’s not too late! Learn more about this. Follow me on FB or on this blog. 


If you did realize something out of this post, please feel free to comment or share this on your pages. Thanks!